Open Media Boston

metro news from the ground up

by Dave Goodman and Leonardo March | 23 Jan 2015 - 11:09pm

BOSTON – A peaceful but determined group of approximately one thousand marchers took to the streets of Boston on Martin Luther King Day to call for an end to police brutality, a redirection of public funds from prisons to schools, and a living wage for all workers, among other demands.

by Joe Ramsey | 23 Jan 2015 - 5:04pm

I. “We Will Shake this System with the Truth of Our Message”

by Doug Enaa Greene | 17 Jan 2015 - 2:12am

Portions of this essay of my 2013 essay The Crisis in Greece and the Prospects of SYRIZA are reprinted here generally unchanged, particularly on the background to the crisis, since I

by Dave Goodman | 16 Jan 2015 - 6:51pm

BOSTON - Thursday, January 15th – the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s actual birthday - certainly was a day of contrasting styles and strategies around civil disobedience. Early in the morning, scores of activists essentially risked their lives to block rush hour traffic on Route 93 in order to protest brutality by police against people of color. In the afternoon, organizers announced plans for a march through the streets of downtown Boston during the Martin Luther King Day holiday.

by Sandy Eaton | 6 Jan 2015 - 4:56am

On Friday evening December 19th at midnight, Quincy Medical Center ceased admitting patients. The last in-patient was discharged on December 23th. QMC was officially closed on December 26th, five days earlier than even the illegally announced December 31st date.

by Dave Burt | 3 Jan 2015 - 4:38am

The energy transition is well underway. At least we thought it was before the mid-term elections. Will those that the fossil fuel industries have in their back pockets be disinclined to vote for resounding incentives for solar and wind ?

by Doug Enaa Greene | 3 Jan 2015 - 4:31am

There is an old children's story about a vain Emperor who hires two weavers to make him a grand outfit. The weavers swindle the emperor, claiming that they have made him an outfit of invisible fabric.

by Steve Early | 23 Dec 2014 - 4:00am

“Vermont…is the only state with universal single-payer health coverage for its residents.”

–James Fallows in The Atlantic, April, 2014

by Victor Wallis | 22 Dec 2014 - 11:19pm

People speaking for the victims of police violence have unreservedly condemned the recent killing of the two New York City police officers.

People speaking for the police never condemned the killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.


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